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When Should You See a Vero Beach Prosthodontist?

May 18, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 7:45 pm

Vero beach prosthodontist specializes in tooth replacement.After the loss of one or more teeth, there are a few things you need to know about replacement. Like prosthodontics — do you really need to see a Vero Beach prosthodontist? Many general dentists are qualified to perform tooth replacement, but prosthodontists are highly trained and experienced in rebuilding beautiful, well-functioning smiles for people missing one or more teeth. For the best in replacement, it’s worth it to see a prosthodontist.


Dental Practice in Vero Beach Accepting New Patients (Like You!)

October 20, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjones @ 1:40 pm

Ahusband and wife lying together on a wooden floor

When you have a great smile, life looks a lot brighter. Your true personality comes out and your self-esteem improves — and that’s worth so much. At Vero Beach Implant Dentistry, we approach all of our patients like family, meaning we treat people like we’d want to be treated. It’s a pretty basic principle, but it makes a world of difference in your dental care. What can you expect from the team at Vero Beach Implant Dentistry? Keep reading to find out.


How to Treat Your Gum Disease in Vero Beach

September 4, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjones @ 8:55 pm

How can you prevent gum disease in Vero Beach?The airboat whips through the water with surprising agility, causing the hat to fly off of the person next to you. The biggest surprise is how the boat barely creates a wake and the tall grass surrounding you is only being moved by the wind, as opposed to the powerful engine right behind you. The pilot makes a quick stop when they spot an animal, and all of the blood rushes into your face. What is a great moment for everyone else is painful one for you. Your gums felt tender this morning, and this sudden stop really revealed how sensitive they are. You run your tongue over them as the pain radiates throughout your mouth. Your gums may be infected, and this is something you should take care of soon. Here’s how you can treat your gum disease in Vero Beach. (more…)

Teeth In a Day? It’s Possible. Vero Beach Dentist Explains More

August 31, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjones @ 8:32 am

vero beach dentist provides teeth in a dayFor our patients who are missing or about to lose all the teeth in the upper or lower jaw, Teeth In a Day offers an excellent implant solution. Thought dental implants were out of your price range? Don’t want to wait six months to a year on traditional dental implants? With strategically-placed dental implants from your Vero Beach dentist, we can place at least a fixed bridge on the same day or within 24 hours of your procedure.


How Does Invisalign Work? What Are Its Advantages?

July 29, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjones @ 9:15 am

You want straighter teeth, but you don’t want to sacrifice your smile to metal brackets and wires in the process. But more people than ever before are wearing braces these days. Wondering what it’s like? Read these chuckle-worthy interviews of adult braces wearers to find out. Almost all of them agree — the promise of straight teeth and a more confident smile make orthodontics worth it. And with current options like Invisalign, it’s never been easier to straighten your teeth subtly. What is Invisalign? How does it work? And what are the advantages of clear braces? Dr. Adam Jones explains more in the video below.


Mini Dental Implants and Hybrid Dentures: Just Say No

June 30, 2016

A healthy, whole smile is too valuable to exchange quality for temporary convenience. If you have lost one or more teeth and are weighing your options in replacement, you may have heard about mini dental implants and hybrid dentures in Vero Beach. We know these can seem like tempting options — they’re quick, promise great results, and are usually less than half the cost of traditional dental implants. But you know the maxim that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is? That’s precisely the problem with quick-fix tooth replacement. Keep reading to learn why you should just say no to mini implants and hybrid dentures.


Vero Beach Dentist Talks Importance of Dental Hygiene

May 17, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drjones @ 7:52 pm

The secret behind every beautiful smile is great oral hygiene and a skilled dentist. Proper oral hygiene protects your beautiful smile from damage, while also protecting your overall health. Certain health risks are directly linked to poor oral health. As a result, you need to take your oral hygiene seriously. Maintaining your oral health requires a strong commitment to a proper oral hygiene routine. Not to mention, you must visit your dentist in Vero Beach regularly for in-office cleanings. Skipping any one of these aspects could lead you down the road to developing dental complications.

A Personal Experience With Your Premiere Vero Beach Dentist

April 29, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjones @ 9:19 pm

Living with cracked, fractured and chipped teeth presents many challenges, as Vero Implant and Esthetic Dentistry patient Gene Kowalski will tell you. “I came to Dr. Jones with a life’s worth of chipped and cracked teeth. This included front teeth that no longer touched and created issues eating, the loss of my smile, and an overall dissatisfaction with my mouth.” Gene had been living with the broken down condition of his mouth for many years and he had become accustom to not smiling fully when he met new people and not being able to eat and enjoy his favorite foods. He shares his personal experience with your premiere Vero Beach Dentist, Dr. Adam Jones and his wife Dr. Giuliana Diaz Jones.


Get your Teeth in Day by Vero Beach Dentists!

February 10, 2016

Filed under: Implant Dentistry,Uncategorized — Tags: , — drjones @ 5:18 pm

What did that say?! Teeth in a day? That’s right. With the All-on-4 treatment from Vero Beach dentist at Vero Implant and Esthetic Dentistry, we can provide a complete smile to patients who are eager to be rid of removable dentures or those who are edentulous or toothless.

All-on-4, as the name suggests, only needs four dental implants along either the upper or lower arch to securely anchor a custom-fitted set of permanent dentures. During the All-on-4 implant retained denture procedure, we can extract teeth if necessary, place implants and secure dentures all in one day.

Oral Cancer Screenings in Vero Beach

November 5, 2015

There are some cancers for which the symptoms are more quiet and insidious. That they are discovered at a later stage is terribly sad, but not surprising. Oral cancer is not that kind of cancer. With regular oral cancer screenings and awareness of the signs and symptoms of oral cancer, this disease is highly treatable and often curable. For this reason, the dentists and their team at Vero Implant and Esthetic Dentistry in Vero Beach, FL, perform oral cancer screenings at each dental checkup.

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