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Premier Dental Blog

How a Night Guard Could Save Your Smile

October 18, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjones @ 7:00 pm
night guard for bruxism

Discussions about protecting the teeth usually center around things like brushing, flossing, and avoiding excessive amounts of sugar. Certainly, all of those habits are essential if you want to maintain a healthy smile. But you must also take measures to safeguard your teeth from the devastating consequences of bruxism. Let’s discuss what bruxism is, why it is so dangerous, and how night guards offer a simple way to prevent bruxism’s long-term complications.


Learn How Tooth Loss Can Lead to High Blood Pressure in Postmenopausal Women

September 7, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjones @ 10:33 pm

Do you understand how tooth loss can negatively impact more than just your oral health? Apart from weakening your jawbone and causing a potential shift in your teeth, it can also lead to problems developing within the body. If you are a postmenopausal woman, this can mean you are at risk of developing high blood pressure. How so? Listen to a dentist who explains what researchers have discovered regarding the link between these two conditions.  


How Dangerous Is Gum Disease?

August 30, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjones @ 6:55 pm
person pointing to red gums

Do you ever see blood in the sink after you brush or floss? It might seem like a normal occurrence, but it’s much more serious than that. It’s one of the most common signs of gingivitis, or the early stage of gum disease. Although gum disease, also called periodontal disease, by itself is unpleasant to say the least, it can lead to other health problems in areas other than your mouth. Let’s look at 4 diseases that can occur if you don’t get your gum infection treated with gum disease therapy in Vero Beach.


4 Signs Your Dentures in Vero Beach No Longer Fit Properly

July 30, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjones @ 4:41 pm

DenturesFor many people, dentures are an invaluable tool for performing simple, everyday tasks like chewing solid foods and speaking clearly. But what if your false teeth no longer fit like they’re supposed to? Not only could this make them less useful, but it can also be extremely uncomfortable. It’s important to be able to recognize ill-fitting dentures in Vero Beach so that you can get an adjustment or a replacement as soon as possible; here are 4 key signs to look out for.


Your Dentist in Vero Beach May Help Protect You from Liver Cancer

July 20, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjones @ 4:52 pm

Liver CancerDid you know that good oral hygiene is about more than just preventing cavities and gum disease? More and more studies in recent years have found that oral health problems can be linked to larger issues such as heart disease. Most recently, a connection has been found between the mouth and a potentially life-threatening condition: liver cancer. Learn more about this relationship and why seeing your dentist in Vero Beach might be more crucial than you realize.


Kick Off Oral Health Awareness Month By Visiting Your Dentist in Vero Beach!

June 21, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjones @ 8:18 pm

parent and child brushing their teethJune is Oral Health Awareness Month, meaning there’s no better time to schedule your semi-annual checkup and cleaning with your dentist in Vero Beach! Getting a clean bill of health can give you the peace-of-mind you need to enjoy a stress-free summer. Practicing preventive dental techniques can help you avoid the headaches and hassles that come with dealing with oral health problems. Read on for 3 reasons to pick up the phone and schedule your routine visit today.   (more…)

4 Benefits Of Getting A Smile Makeover In Vero Beach Other Than A Great-Looking Grin

June 15, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjones @ 8:59 pm

couple walking togetherThis summer, you’ve decided to practice self-love by investing in a smile you’re proud to show off. You know that getting a smile makeover in Vero Beach can make your teeth more aesthetically pleasing, but you’re curious what other benefits it has to offer you. Get ready to enjoy a summer full of great connections and photos that showcase your new greatest trait—your smile. Read on for 4 benefits that this cosmetic procedure can offer you other than a great grin. (more…)

Why You’d See a Prosthodontist in Vero Beach Over a Dentist

May 30, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjones @ 8:03 pm

DenturesDo you know the difference between a prosthodontist and a regular dentist? Chances are that you don’t; in fact, the College of Dentistry and Dental Clinics at the University of Iowa estimates that only 3% of the population even knows what “prosthodontics” are. When choosing a practice to take care of a dental problem, it’s important to know what each can offer you and what advantages a specialist might have over a general practitioner in certain situations. Here’s what you need to know about your prosthodontist in Vero Beach and how they’re different from regular dentists.


Dentist in Vero Beach Says: Protect Your Teeth This Summer!

May 18, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjones @ 6:43 pm

Smiling woman on vacationIt’s summer! It’s finally time to start planning that big family vacation to give everyone a chance to unwind and have fun. But “getting away from it all” should never mean getting away from good oral care. When going on a big trip that takes you away from your normal routine, you may be tempted to be a bit more lax in taking care of your teeth, but don’t make that mistake! Your dentist in Vero Beach has some tips for keeping your mouth healthy even while you’re having some summertime fun.


A Dentist in Vero Beach Shares 4 Tips to Prevent Cavities from Forming

February 5, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjones @ 4:30 pm

a tooth with a cavityHave you ever noticed that black stuff that forms in the crevices of your tooth? Maybe while you were brushing, you noticed it and wondered, “Could that be a cavity?” Well, you’re probably right, and that means, it’s time to see your dentist. Whether you or your dentist noticed the cavity first, it is important to have it filled promptly to prevent further damage to the tooth. However, if you’ve been fortunate to have never experienced a cavity, here are some tips from a dentist in Vero Beach to help prevent them from forming in the future. (more…)

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