Extensive tooth loss can have a detrimental impact on a patient’s oral health and self-confidence. Traditional dentures didn’t do much to help restore this confidence. Instead, patients find themselves switching from covering their mouths to hide missing teeth to covering their mouths to conceal slipping, sliding dentures.
At Premier Dental, we have an option that delivers cosmetically flawless, naturally functional tooth replacement – implant dentures in Vero Beach. If you want to learn more about your tooth replacement options, contact our Vero Beach dental office to schedule a consultation. We look forward to partnering with you to recreate your lost teeth and put the full, healthy smile back on your face.
An implant partial or full denture will look much like the traditional variety before placement, but they are self-supporting anchored to implant posts. Instead of relying on healthy teeth and oral structures for support, dental implant posts create natural stability that mimics the function of tooth roots. Additionally, implant dentures can be designed to be either fixed or removable depending on your preferences.
If you opt for fixed or permanent implant dentures, you will not be able to remove them on your own. Instead, you will need to have them removed by a dentist during your routine checkup. However, you’ll still be able to clean them thoroughly through at-home oral care.
Removable implant dentures are capable of being taken out for basic tasks like at-home oral hygiene, making the process a bit easier overall. Some people also prefer to have the option because they are already used to wearing traditional dentures, which are removable by default.
There are four main phases of implant supported denture placement. First, is the preparatory phase, which may include tooth extraction or tissue grafts. Then, we surgically place the dental implant posts. Next, design and craft your denture. Finally, you’ll return to the dental office so we can attach the restoration to your implant post.
If you are missing most or all of your teeth and you have sufficient bone tissue available for implants to integrate, you should be eligible to receive dental implants. If you don’t have enough bone tissue, you may need to have a bone graft completed ahead of your implant placement. This will extend the length of your tooth replacement process and require higher fees. Additionally, if you have pre-existing dental disease (such as tooth decay or gum disease), you will need to have it resolved before receiving any type of oral surgery.
Any patient who needs a denture should consider an implant prosthetic. Compared with traditional dentures, implant prosthetics offer a number of benefits, including: